Your favorite garden needs painstaking year-round care, and then it will always delight you. Garden trees and shrubs are real pets. They are alive and should be treated as living beings.
Trees and shrubs have a body permeated with many “vessels” that nourish it. They have skin that protects them from cold and heat, damage, and lungs in the form of leaves that they breathe!
In order for the oasis to smell fragrant and bear fruit, you need to treat it like a small child. This means that you must thoroughly and accurately know everything about the garden, plants, and especially about the rules of care!
You need to care for your garden all year round, perhaps with varying intensity. And seasonal work for a gardener comes first.
How to properly care for your garden at different times of the year
Garden care in spring
Spring work in the garden is aimed, first of all, at helping plants awakening from winter hibernation. This includes inspecting and treating overwintered plants, pruning branches, whitewashing trunks, spraying with chemicals, loosening and digging up the soil under trees.
Immediately after flowering, plants need fertilizing with fertilizers, primarily nitrogen. The gardener must thoroughly know the plant fertilization schedule and their needs.
Garden care in summer
Summer is a period of rapid development of all living creatures, both useful for your plants and those from which they must be protected in every possible way. You must constantly monitor the condition of the garden, otherwise you will be left without a harvest, and the trees and shrubs may become seriously ill.
Many parasites, insects and their caterpillars do not sleep! Be alert and take precautions. Spray and treat the plants of your favorite garden in a timely manner.
If the weather is hot and dry, then abundant watering of the plants is necessary at the rate of two to three buckets of water per tree, after which the soil must be loosened.
Garden care in autumn
It's a great time. After harvesting, old trees need inspection and careful examination of each branch, and young trees and shrubs need special preparation for the winter period. They need protection from rodents and frost.
In addition, after a dry summer, plants need abundant watering. Autumn is also a period of fertilizing and fertilizing the soil. However, after digging up the soil around the trees, it is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers in large quantities.
After leaf fall, you need to collect the leaves and burn them, or after treating them against pests, leave them to rot in compost heaps.
Garden care in winter
Despite the fact that nature goes to sleep in winter, work in the garden does not stop. Young seedlings must be covered with snow almost to the very tops, and the garden must be regularly inspected for infestations of rodents and hares. Mature trees also have to be protected - these animals can damage even tough old bark.
To prevent rodents - mice and hares - from harming the trees, with the onset of the first frost, be sure to tie the tree trunks with spruce branches, pine needles down, prickly raspberry branches or a special metal mesh.
In March, be sure to shovel away the snow and soil (if you hilled them up for the winter) from the trunks to the lower root collar and remove the shelter from rodents. This is done so that the bark on the trees does not rot.
The listed measures cannot be called exhaustive; the gardener must know a lot, constantly learn and, most importantly, always monitor the garden and work for the benefit of his pets. Then your favorite garden will thank you with a bountiful harvest and will be a source of well-deserved pride! Patience, good luck and a good harvest!